Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fall Glory!

Fall is my favorite season with Spring following a very close second.  (I despise the tornados Spring produces, though I adore all the refreshing hues and sprouts.)  Fall is a spectacle of colors, aromas, events.....simply a fulfilling feast for the senses. 

The above graphc looks JUST LIKE our driveway.  Even the rain has set in today wrapped in frigid temps.  I am afraid this cloak of dampness along with the biting wind will draw a close to our beloved artwork of color.
I must hurry and collect what remains of the tommy toes, okra, and Basil.  I must finish bringing in my plants and get to tucking in the rabbits and cats in preparation for freezing temps tonight.
I just returned from a trip abroad in Italy and Monaco.  It was quite a journey gifted me.  I am now settling back into reality on the farm.......  Work work, work and little of play in between.
My fingers are quite busy with writing, crocheting, and winterizing.  I am inspired to create a quilt in the Fall colors just for myself!  Settling into the rocking chair near the fire, I bid you good day in order I rest a little bit before I get ready for our special Fall chili supper and party.  Everyone will be loaded down with home made vittles, so I need to finish my contribution, too.
A great big shout out of thank you from all my heart to my mentors; Craig and Linda Allen of Eagle Nest Lake, New Mexico area......
Whether you love yard sales, flea markets, craft fairs, or hot air balloon rides in the Smoky Mountains as I do....stay safe, toasty,.....happy writing, and do have a blast before Ol' Man Winter moves in!

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