Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Post Progress, My Foot!

I woke with anticipation for the day this morning.  As I stirred, my alarm clock of doggies latched onto their routine signal and began rumbling about wanting to go outside in this frigid cold.
I watched in awe at the meteor shooting across the sky.  It was huge and lit up; leaving a trail of black amidst the gray clouds wafting around in the windy dawn.
Did and done.  I sat down at my favorite window to admire the deer with her triplet fawns, which would shortly be coming out of the woods as usual to browse the still green grass.
Reflecting on my dream, tears strolled down my cheeks.  I would probably need a bucket.  I had dreamed of home as a child with my Mama cutting our Mimosa back down to an acceptable size.  I miss her and I miss those Mimosas.  She always kept them where she wanted them; short and stout, not towering and magnificent.
Which brings me to why I probably dreamed about such in the first place.  On my beloved hill I have a delightful view of the valley and neighbors who have changed the country into a citified version of what once was beauty, harmony, and peace and quiet.
True to form, this neighbor decided it was time to do as promised.  A crew was bulldozing all the wonderful, lovely trees down in his bog of a field.  The goal was to get rid of the bog.  He is.  He is and the beauty around it that coyote, birds, and other critters often enjoyed.  I enjoyed, as well.
The bog will be level and easier to bushhog, but now the creek looks so bare and abandoned.  It pales in comparison to our length of creek shadowed with saplings and vines for the deer to take refuge behind as they drink.
Years ago, when we first bought this haven, we had no options but to cut a swath of woods 50 feet wide all the way up to the top of the hill to our building site.  My neighbor to the top of us was rattled and visibly upset with us.  Ironic, huh?  Well, now days they bury power lines.  Progress, I suppose, but a little late.
Then the night's invasion woke me up without the coffee!  My oh my, Frankenstorm Sandy was all over the news and passed around on Facebook.
In each, a wrinkle of time changes lives, yet promotes progress, though I would prefer time stood still for a while.  Lanquish around in complete and utter perfection the luxury of woods and wild, peace and quite, views to die for and nature all reveal.
Where is that pause button?  Must be hiding out with the remote control.  I have not seen it since...since....

1 comment:

  1. I think that our neighbours thought the same when we came here to our homestead in SW France. From a sleepy, atmospheric ruin of a house we made it into a builders yard and bulldozed the front garden into a wasteland of flatness. But we had to do that as the original garden was covered with seven foot brambles. Four years on and the place is looking a bit better, but it has a long way to go. The neighbours still wave at us, so I think they might have forgiven us!
    Nice to meet you, and will visit again but may not leave a comment because of the word verification you have on your blog. It took me several frustrating tries to get this comment sent to you!
