Sunday, November 11, 2012

Shooting Star, Albert, & Luke

Good morning!!!!!!!!!!

I was aroused from peaceful and deep slumber by howling.  I stumbled for the door to let the dogs rumble in their yard. Today was going to be a long day for me with their alarm clocks four hours early.

I inhaled the fresh air so deeply it took my breath away.  I rarely miss the dreary nights of the cities we used to frequent.  Skylines of colored lights and towering structures were mesmerizing, but give me the country life any time.

This morning was cloaked in a light misty 2:00a.m. in the South; not quite as icy as previous nights, but even so, cold, and starlit by some of the most dazzling stars winking at me.  In wonder, ignoring the ear-splitting joy of Chihuahuas yapping, my heart  followed a shooting star blazing across God’s palette of awe.

It had one of the longest tails I had seen in my 57 years, and oh my gracious, it strolled that sky so fast it made your head spin in wonder whether you actually saw it or it had been a figment of your sleepy imagination.

In His presence, I grinned, knowing I was so blessed.  I thanked him for the spectacular starry night.  Therefore,  I tucked myself back under quilts and afghans; soon sleeping with a grin still on my face.

Routines as routines go, I stumbled around when the sun began to peek through the windows and let them barge back out into their yard.  Noisy little boogers along with Bogie’s deep excited barking at them.
Bogie is a huge Pyrenees/Collie mix.  Someone dumped him and I kept him after I got his shots for him and neutered him.  He is the lovingest dog you would ever want.  However, and I say however in underlines three times over….he digs ponds on the chase after moles, terrorizes cats, (snuggles kittens, go figure)runs off after the female Pyrenees miles up the road, runs my deer back into the woods, and often brought home alien trinkets of which the last he brought was some unlucky fella’s steel toe boots.
So, to keep him, I had to tie him.  He went through a few cables and collars chewing through them like they were cake!  In the end a 250 pound equivalent cable worked, but the collar was still an issue.  I would tie him and turn around and he would be bouncing after a cat.
Well now.  I fixed that for sure.  I had to buy one of those steel collars with the spikes turned inward.  I thought it cruel, but it works.  I am told it does not stick him, yet it does feel like a pinch.  It took a few times lurching, but he figured out I had his number.  Excellent guard dog might be his title, but he is grounded.  Oh, I walk him lots and pet and love on him plenty.  He will learn right from wrong, or my name is Moses!  He will learn freedom pays a price.
BUT, now he barks at the Chihuahuas when they are turned out.  Of course, they yapp up a storm at him.  About the time it gets quiet, Bogie barks his tune again, stirring up the whole routine yet again.  Whew!  By mid-morning and a few more times out, everybody settles down.
With coffee and raisin bread in hand, I retreat to listening to the Bible on audio online.  Heaven at last, I crochet and dwell on His word.
"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation." - Albert Einstein
I backtracked to visit a site which had been visiting my blog.  I did this out of pure curiosity, since I have few that take the time to get to know me or scan my thoughts.  I have always been a loner, but not by choice.  I tend to be accompanied by God, though, and I need to learn to let that suffice.  Still, I yearn for even more friends.  The world of people calls out to my heart.  I want to hear from folks around the world!  Why is it so quiet?
I glance at my friendly screen to find solace and food for thought.  Networking will have to come to me.
It was of Korean origin; and an exciting site.  I quickly clicked to translate, which has always, always impressed me.  The world really can communicate when it wants to do so.
(God blesses us when we take time for Him.  Follow me closely, I will confuse you.  I will say this.  He gives you the desires of your heart when you trust Him, obey Him, and love Him.)
On one of their pages I found an index of quotes tagged with some remarkable art.  Albert's quote at top of this blog caught my eye and I could not resist counter attacking it.  (In a genteel way, of course, but none the less, I attacked with the fire of passion.)
Imagination does not play a role in Christianity like trust, faith, and love do.  It always helps to have good imagination skills, but in this case, Albert's imagination and mind did not work together.  Simplest of facts eluded his grasp.
God is our heavenly Father.  Earthly Fathers "reward and punish" their children in order they instill good values in them, accountability and responsibility, and teach them how to be Christian children.  My parents used a belt and peach tree switches that undeniably accomplished goals.
I resented the whippings as they often drew blood.  I see now how they strengthened my character and helped experiences shape who I am today.  I do not feel these lessons altered my mind as authorities say is abuse today, but some folks do go overboard.  So, because of a few, the rod is spared and the child suffers without at the least a Christian level of self-worth as well as misses out on experiences that quickly teach the body, spirit, and mind the true right from wrong.
Now I ask you, directed toward the late Mr. Albert, how in this world can you attempt to make a wise statement without understanding the origin and the artistry of the creator first?   As within anything he ever tackled with his magnificent intelligence, how did he miss the mark right in front of his nose?
Luke is the most perfect chapter to have been my lesson for the day.  It culminates my morning with my thoughts that began stumbling around earlier this morn.
Two barren women blessed with child.  One is past age and the other is a virgin.
Many lessons tucked in those chapters, but the one that stands out momentarily, “With God, anything is possible.”
Mr. Albert, I hope you trusted God enough to make it to heaven.  Such a splendid mind to waste if you did not know God.  For what good is it to have mind if not heart and soul, trust and obedience?
I hope I get to meet you some day, I really do.  None of us are perfect, and maybe it is me that needs to work on my relationship.  May the power of God's love help me to see His wisdom in everything I journey this day forward, that I might be used as an instrument of peace, while at the same time, find lessons from others such as yourself to enrich my life.

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