Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Jack Frost Took Over

Easy come, easy go!  Jack came by last night with his new color palette!  The little booger also left his frost machine on overdrive!  Thick and white, the overcoat of ice transformed our autumn beauty into Old Man Winter’s seasonal portal.

The temps were 15 here on the hill and 22 in town at 4a.m.  You can bet the fire was roaring.  I still got cold.  The outdoor animals had their say about it all and not a bark, snort, or wiggle was very nice.  The coyotes and other night sounds were even absent.

I sit and study the new palette of kettle coppers and leather russets, deepest of rose reds and simmering tea browns with just a splash of kiwi greens still lingering here and there.  Each of the many Dogwood sport deep dark red on the top side of the leaves, while the bottom side of brown flutters in the breeze to tease the birds revealing plump bright red berries. 

The golden lemons, peachy oranges, and bright ruby reds have been wiped away.  On the ground nothing is distinguishable as was yesterday, with the exception of swaths of spiking green grass.  In the midst of slumber, the Fall season passes yet again.

I ponder this in relation to our lives.  Unless you have been blessed to share your life with someone who is in tune with your life’s song, no one person knows what you have seen, been where you have been, did what you did, met others as you did, or enjoyed anything quite like you.  It almost sounds insane.

One wonders over the miracle of life and its journey; twists and turns, bumps and wrecks, accomplishments and failures all haunting you at times.  How bright and beautiful it all seemed as you journey, though now you finally see how you have not been the first and you certainly won’t be the last to realize the tests of time.  Each season is unique with special palettes of color, as was and is life.

The colors you chose and how you used them to paint your life determined the paths you took, the challenges you overcame, the dreams you tackled and won, and prepared you for your golden years.  Those colors also aided in your decisions in perception, abilities, skills, and goals to escape into when health or age attempts to trip you up.

Are you prepared for the coppers and browns after such beauty as yellows, oranges, and reds?

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